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Building resilience for peace

12 novembre, 2012
Est. Reading: 1 minute
Crédit photo : Interpeace

At the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform Annual Meeting 2012 on Friday 9 November, panelists gathered to discuss the option of resilience within the peacebuilding process. The meeting, titled "Operationalizing Resilience in Peacebuilding Contexts: Approaches, Lessons, Action Points," explored the operational experience to achieve higher levels of resilience of communities and institutions. Furthermore, the discussion began to tackle the action points necessary to strengthen such efforts in peacebuilding contexts.

The Geneva Peacebuilding Platform recognized that many communities have adopted ‘resilience’ as an overarching concept, especially in relation to development, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and conservation. However, implementation challenges still exist, and there is a need for a better cross sectorial and institutional exchange of operational experience. An increase in dialogue is one way to improve the building of resilience within communities that have a history of conflict.

Interpeace is a steering committee member of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform. Dialogue between the panelists and attendees continued throughout the day, but even those not able to attend the meeting were able to keep up with the discussion, and learn even more about building #Resilience4Peace.

View the story "Building Resilience for Peace" on Storify